A group of friends celebrating the hike to a mountain

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Things to do in Santa Lucía Del Camino

1. Explore the Ex-Convent of Santa Catalina

Visit this historic convent dating back to the 16th century, known for its beautiful architecture and tranquil courtyard.

2. Hike the Cerro del Fortín

Embark on a scenic hike up Cerro del Fortín to enjoy panoramic views of Santa Lucía del Camino and the surrounding landscapes.

3. Shop at Mercado de Abastos

Discover local flavors and artisan crafts at the bustling Mercado de Abastos, a vibrant market showcasing the region's diverse offerings.

4. Attend a cultural event at Centro de Convenciones Monte Alban

Immerse yourself in Oaxacan culture by attending a traditional dance performance or music concert at Centro de Convenciones Monte Alban.

5. Experience local cuisine at Tlamanalli

Indulge in authentic Oaxacan dishes at Tlamanalli, a renowned restaurant offering a culinary journey through the flavors of the region.

6. Visit the Zócalo

Take a leisurely stroll in the town's main square, Zócalo, where you can admire the local architecture, people-watch, and enjoy a cup of coffee at a cozy café.

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